
Are you ready to become a confident harmonica player?
The reason you're struggling with harmonica is because you need to practice your scales more. For most players, it's really that simple. Up to this point, you've probably been doing it the wrong way. Harp Trainer is a collection of play-along videos that will guide you though scale practice in a way that's easy and straightforward. 
Ditch the metronome. Try Harp Trainer.

I’m sharing what I know from my experience learning the harmonica…

 Scales are the secret to getting better.

Practicing scales develops every skill and technique you need to play harmonica all at once.  

However, actually practicing them the right way is not so easy....  

Harp Trainer fixes this and makes scale practice simple and straightforward.  

Ready to improve your skills and have a more effective and fun way to practice in the process?
(Um, OF COURSE you are!)  

So...why Harp Trainer?
And what even is Harp Trainer?

Hi! I'm Jonah Fox! 
I’m a musician and harmonica teacher as well as the creator of the Harmonica Revolution YouTube channel, and I’ve worked with thousands of harmonica players in dozens of countries across the world, helping them learn to play and improvise on the harmonica.
The idea for Harp Trainer came to me in the form of a question I asked myself recently...

With so many free and paid harmonica lessons out there, why do most players struggle so much? You can learn anything on the internet if you dig far enough. Yet, when I would work with beginner and intermediate harmonica players, one thing was pretty clear: nobody taught them how to practice.

 And let's be real: practicing is not what we're here for. You didn't start playing harmonica so you could spend your days practicing. You got into it because it sounded cool, and you wanted to play the blues, learn songs, and improvise.

You wanted to become a musician.

As an experienced multi-instrumentalist, I know the path to getting there. It's practice.
Scale practice, specifically. It's the missing link.

All of the courses and lessons in the world won't really help until you learn your scales and sit down every day and work on them the right way.

Your scales are the bridge to allowing you to glide between notes. It makes your harmonica an extension of your body. Which, of course, makes learning anything and improvising so much easier.

So I asked myself...

“How can I help harmonica players achieve a breakthrough WITHOUT teaching everyone how to practice scales from the ground up… especially because so many players QUIT because they can't figure this out?"

...I didn’t just ask “How can I teach them the notes?”  
Because the knowledge alone is only half the battle.

...I didn’t ask “How can I teach everyone to practice the right way?”
That can take a few months of one-on-one lessons.  

Rather:  I asked “How can I make scale practice as foolproof as possible... so anyone with even a little musical knowledge can benefit from it?”  

I mulled it over, then I circled back to what I know best...  

An exercise I've been using for YEARS...  

An exercise to improve all of your skills at once, so a harp player—any type of harp player—can learn from and improve quickly. 

The best part? These are just play along videos. If you can press play and read some tabs, you can use this.

AND it's something you can keep returning to for years to come.

The scale exercise inside Harp Trainer is the same one I used to develop my own skills to the point where I was improvising and playing on stage. It is a combination of metronomes, visual cues, theory and chordal drones that I was taught in music school. Now, I want to teach it to YOU. You’re so welcome. 😉

"Ok, but... what is Harp Trainer?"

Harp Trainer is a collection of 130+ play-along scale practice videos for
C harmonicas covering all of the main scales at different tempos.

Each play-along video includes harmonica tab, standard notation, and scale degrees so you can understand exactly what you are playing.
For each scale, there is also a lesson discussing the notes, challenges, and theory.

Each scale is available at multiple tempos from slow to fast so you can train your rhythm and speed along with your scale knowledge.

Being able to confidently play your harmonica, because you know that your skills are good enough to share...

Being able to improvise freely in any key, because you know all of the scales and you can play them easily and by memory...

Harp Trainer will be the boost you that you need in your harmonica practice, and I’m sharing this right now because I don’t want you to end up like most harmonica players who struggle and give up…
All you need is a guided and straightforward way to practice, and that's what I'm giving you in Harp Trainer.  Just join today. 😉

But Jonah, what if I already practice my scales?

If you can already play all of your scales flawlessly at both slow and fast tempos, well, good for you! You probably don't need this.

However, I'm willing to bet that this isn't the case.

For years, when I've worked with students, I've found that most players who work on scales do it in a rather haphazard way.

They won't stay on time, they will skip notes, bends won't be on pitch, etc...

Harp Trainer is designed to fix these problems. All you need to do is press play and keep it looping until you get it right. Simple ✌️

The other alternative is to get private lessons for a few months. That can get...pricey, to say the least. At $60 a lesson, 4 lessons a month, for at least 2 months, we're talking about almost $500.

All for the same skills that you can learn and practice inside Harp Trainer for only $47 (and a little extra, if you want to try this on all of your harmonicas, with the Extended Key Pack).

Here's what you'll learn from using Harp Trainer:

Harp Trainer's play-along videos will teach you to play every important scale on the harmonica. Beginners can start by focusing on the middle octave of every scale while more advanced players can learn all three octaves.

By practicing scales using the Harp Trainer method, you will improve your tone, accuracy, and control of your harmonica. Also, your bends will become more accurate as you train; you will be able to hear the correct pitch for every bent note. 

Scale videos are available at multiple speeds, allowing you to improve your speed and timing. This will allow you to play fast and match the beat of any song you play in the future.

Each scale is accompanied by a drone (one chord extended through the whole exercise). This drone makes the practice experience much more meditative and musical while improving your ear. Getting used to playing with drones will make improvising much easier.

Every note of the scale is written out in harmonica tab, note name (in the key of C), and scale degree. You can use this information to better understand your scales, and easily switch between them.

Harp Trainer exercises use a digital harmonica sound, not a real recorded harmonica. This allows you to know that the pitches and timing are perfectly accurate, so you can rely on Harp Trainer as a reference. Tonal accuracy is particularly necessary when practicing bending, so the digital reference will help you tighten up the tuning of your bends.

Harp Trainer is perfect for harp players of
all levels!
Don't know how to bend well yet?
Don't worry!

If you can play single notes, you can practice using Harp Trainer.
As you learn to bend, you can try harder scales, or extended versions of scales that you already know.

Who is Harp Trainer for?

New Players

If you are new to the harmonica, Harp Trainer could be the tool that you need to make progress right away. If you can play single notes, you can use this tool, and as you learn more, you can attempt new scales!


If you are a beginner, you can use Harp Trainer to learn every scale, improve your rhythm, train your bends and more! Harp Trainer will help you develop the skills to sound good.

to Advanced

Even if you are an experienced harmonica player, Harp Trainer's exercises can help you break past your current skill level and get unstuck.


1. Grab your digital copy of Harp Trainer here.

2. Create or log in to your account to get started today!

3. Watch the introduction videos showing you how to use Harp Trainer.

4. Choose a scale to practice, get your C harmonica and start playing along!  

FAQs about Harp Trainer

What if I'm not tech-savvy?

Great! You don't need to be. If you can log-in to a website and click play on a video, you're all set! All you need is a phone, computer, or tablet to use Harp Trainer (for the best experience, use a larger screen!).

What harmonica(s) do I need?

Harp Trainer is designed around C harmonicasC harps are the most common, so hopefully you already have one! The skills you learn on your C harp will directly apply to the other keys.

What if I want to use another key (besides C)?

If you purchase the optional Extended Key Pack, you will receive access to audio files for use with the most common harmonica keys (G, A, Bb, C and D).

What if I can't bend yet?

Bending is a huge part of harmonica playing, but if you are still working on your bends, that's okay too! Inside Harp Trainer, there are multiple scales with no/minimal bends (including my own No-Bend Blues Scale!). Once you learn how to bend, you can revisit scales that were too difficult to play the first time, but this time, you'll master them!

This is just about scales, so will this help me with my techniques, single notes, and bends too?

Think of scales as the master skill of harmonica playing. Think about it: if you play your scales, you have to use single notes, right? If a scale includes bends, then you need to bend too! Also, scale training (especially with a drone) helps improve your ear and your overall comfort moving around the harmonica. Just playing scales won't train you to be good in literally everything you could do on the harmonica, but it's pretty close, and Harp Trainer makes it easy to do!

Can I buy this, try this, then ask for a refund?

Due to the digital nature of Harp Trainer—we do not offer refunds.

Can I use this on my phone/tablet/PC/Mac?

You can access Harp Trainer on any device that can connect to the internet. For the best experience, a larger screen is preferred.

🌟 Reviews for Harp Trainer 🌟

The key to mastering and instrument is learning and playing scales. The Harp Trainer is the perfect tool to improve your Harmonica playing. -Mark P.

 I love the Harp Trainer! I use it daily from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. I start at the lowest bpm and go right up the bpm’s and when I start to make mistakes I stop advancing and go back down the bpm’s. Just like a workout. This has helped immensely with my speed, single notes and muscle memory. I can play the scale I am working on right now without having to think about it. This tool is a game changer.  -Al  

This is an extremely useful tool, in my opinion. It makes putting in my time doing scales a bit less tiresome. Chris A.  

I‘m playing the harp around one year. My progress is ok. But i stucked in doing progress. I began running a little daily harp routine with Jonah’s Harp Trainer. After a few days of training with the Harp Trainer multiple things happened. Playing single notes, breathing and imagination the scales in my mind, while doing some little improvisation increased a lot. The Harp Trainer is the harp teacher in my pocket and I’m excited about the up coming time and the progress in my harp playing. So thanks Jonah! -Stephan H.

 Great tool for practicing the important scales. It is easy to choose the right tempo and improve by practicing. Then proceed to the next tempo. -Stefan V.  

Harp Trainer for me has been a game changer, its given me an amazing practice tool and a set protocol/ routine in learning scales, I used to find scales boring and laborious. Very easy to follow, building up speed and technic working at my own space, but always challenging me to improve. What I love about harp trainer is the notes you are playing are right in front of you, I could never work out what notes I should be playing over different backing tracks and what positions they were associated with. Harp Trainer has changed all that, after only about a week the notes were being instilled into my muscle memory, I could actually see the note and work out were It was from the sound .I am now beginning to have structure to my playing when jamming to backing tracks, instead of just guessing the notes I have a good idea of where I am, and also what note I shouldn't be playing .Would really recommend Harp Trainer for anyone starting off playing the harmonica, or anyone stuck in a rut, and what to add a new direction that will benefit their playing. -Chris

 The Harp Trainer is a well constructed web-based way to learn and improve harmonica accuracy and tempo. The system is well explained and pretty straight forward to use. You hear the pitch to be played as well as a visual representation of the note progress. Start with the middle C octave and work from there. I have found it useful for nailing the Blues Scale. I find that the Harp Trainer is best for me as part of daily practice sessions. 5 Minutes a day - that's all. -William M.  

I have found the course very helpful in improving my playing. I am a beginner and needed this type of training to give me somewhere to start learning to play the scales cleanly. Practicing with the trainer I have quickly improved my clarity and speed. -Kevin C.

 I started using Harp Trainer about two weeks ago. I have been using it as the key part of a more formal daily training session I have set up around Harp Trainer. I started with harmonica 6 months ago but am finding the discipline that Harp Trainer gives me for working on good single notes and bends with an easy choice of metronome speeds is already helping to build more confidence as well as providing the challenge of working through a dozen scales. Almost like having a teacher in the room to keep me on task. -Tim B.

 I am really trying hard to learn blues harp Harp trainer is a really good practice program I practice every day got a lot to learn. -Mark S.  

I really like the Harp Trainer. The exercises are a very good addition to my daily training. I think that my sense of rhythm is improving, I'm increasing my tempo and I'm playing the individual notes, including the bends, even more accurately.  -Harry M.        

I have only been using the Harp Trainer course for a short time but already I have seen a huge improvement in my ability to play clean single notes. I have tried to play to a metronome before but I found it quite challenging. The visual aid and the drone, combined with the metronome makes it a lot easier to keep in time rather than using a metronome alone. The layout of the course is very user friendly and easy to navigate through the course structure.  -Shayne W.

I really like the way you can dip in and out of Harp trainer. If you don't have much time it's easy to just go in and do a few minutes practice. -John D.      

I have been playing the harmonica for just under a year. I know how important it is to learn the scales of the instrument you are playing to become proficient and playing it. Learning your scales is kind of like having to learn your multiplication tables to do math. You cannot do serious math without using multiplication tables, and you can't play serious harmonica without using your scales. This program has several different scales to both learn and to practice your scales all in one convenient spot. You can easily change the BPM to match your present speed or to speed things up and challenge ourselves.  
-Ted O.      

Harp trainer is so simple it’s genius. I have tried all sorts of methods and when it comes down to it, playing scales fluently is the magic key. Harp trainer gets you playing fast without you realizing it.  
-Stephen P.

An excellent learning tool for anyone struggling with learning scales. I have been attempting to play for the past year and not improving. After a few days, I’ve already noticed a difference in being able to blow/draw clear notes. My tone has also improved too. The HarpTrainer is a great buy and I’m really pleased with it. Thank you Jonah 😊
-Tess B.

Start using Harp Trainer today and give yourself a quick boost to your skills and a more reliable and effective way to practice.
Grab Harp Trainer today